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Ultra Cavitation

Maira's body composition analysis

Know exactly how to reach your fitness goals

Maira provides body composition analysis that measures muscle mass, fat ratio, and water weight. so that you can Customize your plans for weight loss or gain accordingly.

Better understanding how healthy you really start with measuring your body composition – and going beyond just monitoring what the scales say. Once you discover what changes need to be made (whether it’s gaining more lean muscle or lowering fatty deposits), it will become clear what steps will be required to bring about a healthier physical state, which has many benefits for mental well-being too.

Get your accurate Body Composition Analysis now!

Have you been struggling to lose weight? Frustrated with food allergies? Wondering why your body is so out of shape? Whatever the reason may be, Maira can provide the solution.

Maira offers an analysis of your body composition that provides specific details about your current state. By measuring your muscle mass, fat ratio, and amount of water weight, Maira can create a customized plan for weight loss or weight gain – no matter what type of training you are looking for.

Find out more about this amazing service here and take advantage of our limited offer – for a limited time only!

Maira's Body Composition Analysis!

Body composition analysis is the assessment of how much fat you have relative to lean muscle. While it’s important for everyone to know their body mass index, athletes need to pay even closer attention than most people do.

For them, they want to stay in a healthy ratio between muscle and fat; this usually means staying below 30% body fat while also maintaining a sufficient amount of lean muscle.

Since these factors are changing constantly throughout one’s life span depending on what they’re doing at the time, we would generally recommend periodic measurements so that people can keep track of their progress and make adjustments accordingly – whether it’s losing weight or gaining more strength.

Skin Calipers.

One of the many ways to measure body fat is with a pinch test. This method involves using an instrument called a caliper which can be easily carried and handled, and it’s very easy to use. Based on measurements from these instruments, scientists can estimate your Total Body Fat Percentage (TBFP).

Unfortunately, there are many flaws with this instrument due to its reliance on one type of body fat—subcutaneous fatTBFP includes several types of fats within the human body including subcutaneous fat and other types that cannot be seen through observation.

In addition, even if you’re skilled at measuring TBFPS accurately, there are many factors that make it tough to do so such as when the person being measured has excess subcutaneous tissue over 5 centimeters thick or is storing high amounts of muscle mass in their legs.


The newest innovation in noninvasive laser lipolysis technology, Lipolysis helps you lose inches from your waistline from the very first session. The Lipolysis System targets and shrinks fat cells using low-level lasers to produce fast and safe body contouring results.

Results will typically become visible within the first hour of treatment making Lipolysis an excellent solution for quick and reliable body shaping.


Cryoscultping is the world’s leading provider of non-invasive body shaping services and has helped thousands of people achieve their desired body shapes by eliminating stubborn fat. Computer-controlled cooling technology produces a painless and precise treatment for difficult to address areas such as lower abs, upper arms, chin , and legs.


  • Spot reduction of areas like Abdomen, Thighs, Hips, Arms etc.
  • Circumferential reduction of thighs.
  • General reduction of waist, abdomen and buttocks.
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Body contouring and Shaping
  • Deep Fat blasting
  • Tightening, rejuvenation, improvement in elasticity and tone of skin.

Treatment Areas

  • Thighs (“saddle bags”)
  • Inner thighs
  • Male breasts
  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Flanks

Body Composition Analysis FAQ

Body composition refers to the relative amounts of fat and muscle in your body. There are many different ways to measure body composition, but one of the most common methods is bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). To do this correctly, you’ll need a pair of electrodes, which will attach to your skin at various points on your body.

You’ll also need some conductive gel to make sure that the electrodes can make good contact with your skin. The process itself is pretty simple: you just lie down on a table while two small electric currents pass through your body from one electrode to another via the conductive gel. This will allow us to determine how much fat and how much muscle you have based on how easily electricity passes through these tissues—the more fat you have compared to muscle, the slower the current will travel through your body!

Yes, it does. Liver disease can be determined by looking at a person’s BMI and their percentage of body fat. If someone has an elevated BMI and high percentage of body fat, then they are likely suffering from some sort of liver disease. On the other hand, if someone has a normal BMI with a low percentage of body fat, then they likely have healthy livers. The correlation between these two factors is strong enough that we can say with certainty that one causes the other.

The answer is yes. When you don’t eat for a certain amount of time, your body will start burning fat for energy instead of carbs or protein. This means that when you’re done fasting, you’ll have less fat on your body than if you hadn’t fasted at all!

Fasting also helps improve your insulin sensitivity so that when you do eat again, your body will use those nutrients more efficiently and store less of them as fat. Plus, it boosts your metabolism so that even when you’re not fasting, your body burns more calories than usual just to keep up with everything it needs to do every day (like breathing and walking).

There are three main types of body compositional analysis: skinfold measurements, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), and hydrostatic weighing. Skinfold measurements use a tool called a caliper to measure how thick your skin is at certain points on your body; this measurement can then be used to estimate how much fat or muscle you have based on known correlations between those two variables.

Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) analysis works by sending tiny electric currents through your body and measuring how easily they pass through; based on how easily the current passes through your body (which depends on things like how hydrated you are), it can estimate how much muscle vs. fat you have.

Finally, hydrostatic weighing uses the fact that water floats based on its density (which depends on whether it contains more water or more salt) to estimate how much salt vs. water you have in your body; based on this information it can then determine how much muscle vs. fat you have as well as other useful information like your overall BMI or BMR (basal metabolic rate).

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