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cleanse your skin with Pigmentation Treatment At the Reputed Skin Clinic In Bangalore

Pigmentation Treatment in Bangalore

A skin pigmentation disorder doesn’t just make you think about how unattractive you are physically, but also takes away your confidence and causes stress.

we offer various range of Pigmentation treatments which includes, laser treatment, chemical peel, and many more

Looking out for a pigmentation solution in Bangalore?

We understand that you have been tired of looking out for the best skin clinic. we are glad that you found us here!
There may be various reasons for the cause of your skin pigmentation, which may be unclear to many professionals themselves, which is why it is essential to look for treatment in a reputed skin clinic. Wherein the team of experienced dermatologists uses treatments that only have been proven to work and are FDA approved for their safety. but those clinics are expensive and you deserve to have the clear and best skin. that is why we are here to help you. with experienced dermatologists and


Skin pigmentation is a disorder that causes the skin to deviate its color and form a patch-like structure. Pigmentation is the coloring of the skin. Melanin produced by cells is a type of pigment which is the main responsible for your skin’s color. Melanin is in the skin. The skin cells create melanin to protect from damage that UV light causes.

People have different levels of melanin in their skin, accounting for their skin’s overall color. However, the skin may generate more than the necessary amount of melanin in a specific area, causing the skin to darken.


Hyperpigmentation is a condition that causes your skin to darken but affects patches of your skin or entire body.
A common type of Hyperpigmentation is Age spots, also known as liver spots. Hyperpigmentation is usually innocuous but can sometimes be responsible for underlying medical conditions. Yes, indeed, certain medical conditions can cause Hyperpigmentation.

Some Remedies for Hyper-Pigmentation / Pigmentation treatment

Home remedies may not work in every case, and there are also times when an individual should see a doctor for a full diagnosis and medical treatment.

The main motive of Home remedies is to replenish and protect the cells aswell replace the hyperpigmented cells with new ones. Many home remedies involve usage of acids and antioxidants for the same.

usage of some the remedies like Apple cider vinegar, Yogurt or milk, Green tea face pack, Licorice extract and Aloe vera may reduce pigmentation.

Why Choose Maira for pigmentation treatment in Bangalore?

At Maira, we know what we’re doing when it comes to tackling pigmentation. We don’t just stop at one solution – we create a customized plan for you based on what works best. Our Dermatologists are experienced and possess the newest technology in order to give you the most effective treatment available anywhere!

We use only US FDA Approved Equipment throughout our locations and utilize proven methods like Lasers along with Medications that work alongside them to get the perfect result for your skin type!

Our dedicated staff of therapists has been rigorously trained before they become members of our team so you’ll be in safe hands no matter where you decide to go! Allowing people up-close access without feeling claustrophobic or overwhelmed by anything going on around them is what makes these locales so inviting and comforting.

Thousands of people from Bangalore have benefitted from Maira’s safe and effective treatments for skin pigmentation – which have a 91% client satisfaction rating. Maira employs the highest safety standards for any treatment, following standardized operating protocols supported by the latest medical research evidence.

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