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Hair Transplant

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair Transplantation is a surgical procedure of harvesting hair follicles from the donor site where hair density is the highest and transplanting them to the recipient site(balding spot). Hair Transplant is the most commonly followed procedure by males for their pattern baldness. In this minimally invasive procedure, There are certain grafts where hair Follicule are genetically resistant to balding (like the back of the head), such hair follicules is transplantated to the bald scalp.

Were you worried about balding? Maira Skin & Hair Clinic – Best Hair Transplant In Bangalore has helped many people worry about balding and made them worry-free again! With Hair Transplant, you can make sure that the Hair stays. The primary technique to treat baldness is by transferring hair follicles from the grafts, minimally, to the bald scalp. With Hair Transplant, you can make sure that the Hair stays.

At Maira Skin & Hair Clinic – Best Hair Transplant In Bangalore, We have one of the best hair transplant clinics in Bangalore. With expertise working daily, we have raised our bar further while employing various techniques to get you back on your feet and feel like yourself again. Contact us today for more information about this procedure.

Meet our expert today Only at Maira Skin & Hair Clinic– Hair Transplant Clinic In Bangalore and get worry-free treatment!

Pre-operative assessment and planning Maira Skin & Hair Clinic

Best Hair Transplant In Bangalore

The surgeon would meet with you at the consultation to analyze your scalp and discuss possible options for the procedure. They will advise you on which type of session would work best for you, what kind of result you could expect, and anything else that might be important before going through with it.

Sometimes Topical minoxidil is suggested as a medication to give better outcomes in some cases after surgery.Pre-surgery folliculoscopy would allow the doctor to see how much Hair you currently have so they know how many new hairs they need to add or transplant during surgery.

To prepare for the procedure, please stop taking any medication which might cause bleeding during surgery; drink less alcohol; refrain from smoking; since these could lead to complications if left untreated.

Meet our expert today Only at Maira Skin & Hair Clinic- Best Hair Transplant In Bangalore and get worry-free treatment!

Harvesting methods Maira Skin & Hair Clinic

Best Hair Transplant In Bangalore

The latest medical advancement in this day and age is transplanting healthy skin cells from one person to another. This process is done outpatient, with mild sedation (optional) and injected local anesthesia. Before harvesting, the scalp is shampooed and then treated with an antibacterial agent before the donor scalp.

There are plenty of different techniques for harvesting hair follicles, each with advantages and disadvantages. When the blood vessels stretch or cut without breaking through nerves or causing pain, these can cause risk factors for infection or irreversible nerve damage. Regardless of the harvesting procedure, the cardinal to extracting proper follicles ensures the viability of the transplanted Hair and avoids transactions.

Strip harvesting/Follicular unit transplant
Stripping has been a popular hair removal technique for years now. It entails a surgery where surgeons take a strip of skin from the back of your head (posterior scalp);

this typically comes out to be about one inch wide and fifteen inches long. With one, two, or three blades, surgeons can then slice off sections of healthy flesh from the donor site. Thus, it is ready to harvest individual follicular units (small groups of cells that house natural strands, each enclosed in its sac).

Working with binocular Stereo-microscopes, they carefully extract excess fibrous and fatty tissue while avoiding damage to the follicular cells for grafting. Once collected, trimming down these little packages is then done to prepare them for later implantation when needed.

Professionals then employ Trichophytic closure, To close the punctured skin up after procedure completion, which leaves more minor scars than most other methods you’ll find out there.

At Maira Wellness – Hair Transplant Clinic In Bangalore, our surgeon uses excellent micro blades or needles to puncture the donor sites for receiving the grafts, consistently placing them in a predetermined density and pattern to promote a natural hair pattern.

The technicians then insert individual grafts in place when it’s finished. Strip harvesting will leave a noticeable thin linear scar but hidden easily once the Hair has grown fully. The recovery period is around two weeks, during which time stitches/ staples need to be removed by medical personnel, or they’ll fall off on their own.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE)
With Follicular Unit Extraction, individual follicular units containing 1 to 4 hairs under local anesthesia become easier; this procedure of micro removal practically uses tiny punches of between 0.6mm and 1.0mm in diameter. The surgeon then uses small micro blades or fine needles to insert the grafts onto the receiving sites, placing them in a pre-planned pattern and density.

The FUE is a lengthy procedure consuming considerable time than strip surgery, and it all depends on the surgeons’ experience, harvest speed, and patient characteristics.

Sometimes it has done in a single long session or multiple small sessions. The procedure could be simple to take a couple of hours, like extracting 200 grafts for a scar correction, or it could take two consecutive days for a mega session to extract 2,500 to 3,000 grafts.

There are restrictions on patient candidacy with the FUE Hair Transplant procedure. However, there is some debate about the usefulness of screening clients for FUE. Clients get selected for FUE based on a fox test [5].

FUE returns natural results. The FUE harvesting negates the requirements for large areas of scalp tissues for harvesting, which is a great advantage over strip harvesting. The minimal linear incision on the back of the head. It doesn’t leave a linear scar; on the removal of individual follicles, only small, punctate scars remain, which are virtually not visible, and minimal post-surgical pain and discomfort. The recovery from Micro Grafting FUE is less than seven days.

Disadvantages include increased surgical times and higher patient costs. This procedure is physically demanding and the learning curve to acquire the necessary skills is lengthy and arduous; this is why some amaeture surgeons find it challenging. Some surgeons even note that FUE can lead to a lower ratio of successfully transplanted follicles than strip harvesting.

Meet our expert today Only at Maira Wellness- Hair Transplant Clinic In Bangalore and get worry-free treatment!

Hair Transplant FAQ

Body composition refers to the relative amounts of fat and muscle in your body. There are many different ways to measure body composition, but one of the most common methods is bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). To do this correctly, you’ll need a pair of electrodes, which will attach to your skin at various points on your body.

You’ll also need some conductive gel to make sure that the electrodes can make good contact with your skin. The process itself is pretty simple: you just lie down on a table while two small electric currents pass through your body from one electrode to another via the conductive gel. This will allow us to determine how much fat and how much muscle you have based on how easily electricity passes through these tissues—the more fat you have compared to muscle, the slower the current will travel through your body!

Yes, it does. Liver disease can be determined by looking at a person’s BMI and their percentage of body fat. If someone has an elevated BMI and high percentage of body fat, then they are likely suffering from some sort of liver disease. On the other hand, if someone has a normal BMI with a low percentage of body fat, then they likely have healthy livers. The correlation between these two factors is strong enough that we can say with certainty that one causes the other.

The answer is yes. When you don’t eat for a certain amount of time, your body will start burning fat for energy instead of carbs or protein. This means that when you’re done fasting, you’ll have less fat on your body than if you hadn’t fasted at all!

Fasting also helps improve your insulin sensitivity so that when you do eat again, your body will use those nutrients more efficiently and store less of them as fat. Plus, it boosts your metabolism so that even when you’re not fasting, your body burns more calories than usual just to keep up with everything it needs to do every day (like breathing and walking).

There are three main types of body compositional analysis: skinfold measurements, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), and hydrostatic weighing. Skinfold measurements use a tool called a caliper to measure how thick your skin is at certain points on your body; this measurement can then be used to estimate how much fat or muscle you have based on known correlations between those two variables.

Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) analysis works by sending tiny electric currents through your body and measuring how easily they pass through; based on how easily the current passes through your body (which depends on things like how hydrated you are), it can estimate how much muscle vs. fat you have.

Finally, hydrostatic weighing uses the fact that water floats based on its density (which depends on whether it contains more water or more salt) to estimate how much salt vs. water you have in your body; based on this information it can then determine how much muscle vs. fat you have as well as other useful information like your overall BMI or BMR (basal metabolic rate).

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